Source code for flatland.envs.rail_generators

"""Rail generators (infrastructure manager, "Infrastrukturbetreiber")."""
import sys
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Tuple, Optional, Dict, List

import msgpack
import numpy as np
from numpy.random.mtrand import RandomState

from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4TransitionsEnum
from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_direction, mirror, direction_to_point
from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import Vec2dOperations as Vec2d
from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import distance_on_rail, IntVector2DArray, IntVector2D, \
from flatland.core.grid.rail_env_grid import RailEnvTransitions
from flatland.core.transition_map import GridTransitionMap
from flatland.envs.grid4_generators_utils import connect_rail_in_grid_map, connect_straight_line_in_grid_map, \
    fix_inner_nodes, align_cell_to_city

RailGeneratorProduct = Tuple[GridTransitionMap, Optional[Dict]]
RailGenerator = Callable[[int, int, int, int], RailGeneratorProduct]

[docs]def empty_rail_generator() -> RailGenerator: """ Returns a generator which returns an empty rail mail with no agents. Primarily used by the editor """ def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0, np_random: RandomState = None) -> RailGenerator: rail_trans = RailEnvTransitions() grid_map = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=rail_trans) rail_array = grid_map.grid rail_array.fill(0) return grid_map, None return generator
[docs]def complex_rail_generator(nr_start_goal=1, nr_extra=100, min_dist=20, max_dist=99999, seed=1) -> RailGenerator: """ complex_rail_generator Parameters ---------- width : int The width (number of cells) of the grid to generate. height : int The height (number of cells) of the grid to generate. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of type numpy.uint16 The matrix with the correct 16-bit bitmaps for each cell. """ def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0, np_random: RandomState = None) -> RailGenerator: if num_agents > nr_start_goal: num_agents = nr_start_goal print("complex_rail_generator: num_agents > nr_start_goal, changing num_agents") grid_map = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=RailEnvTransitions()) rail_array = grid_map.grid rail_array.fill(0) # generate rail array # step 1: # - generate a start and goal position # - validate min/max distance allowed # - validate that start/goals are not placed too close to other start/goals # - draw a rail from [start,goal] # - if rail crosses existing rail then validate new connection # - possibility that this fails to create a path to goal # - on failure generate new start/goal # # step 2: # - add more rails to map randomly between cells that have rails # - validate all new rails, on failure don't add new rails # # step 3: # - return transition map + list of [start_pos, start_dir, goal_pos] points # rail_trans = grid_map.transitions start_goal = [] start_dir = [] nr_created = 0 created_sanity = 0 sanity_max = 9000 while nr_created < nr_start_goal and created_sanity < sanity_max: all_ok = False for _ in range(sanity_max): start = (np_random.randint(0, height), np_random.randint(0, width)) goal = (np_random.randint(0, height), np_random.randint(0, width)) # check to make sure start,goal pos is empty? if rail_array[goal] != 0 or rail_array[start] != 0: continue # check min/max distance dist_sg = distance_on_rail(start, goal) if dist_sg < min_dist: continue if dist_sg > max_dist: continue # check distance to existing points sg_new = [start, goal] def check_all_dist(sg_new): """ Function to check the distance betweens start and goal :param sg_new: start and goal tuple :return: True if distance is larger than 2, False otherwise """ for sg in start_goal: for i in range(2): for j in range(2): dist = distance_on_rail(sg_new[i], sg[j]) if dist < 2: return False return True if check_all_dist(sg_new): all_ok = True break if not all_ok: # we might as well give up at this point break new_path = connect_rail_in_grid_map(grid_map, start, goal, rail_trans, Vec2d.get_chebyshev_distance, flip_start_node_trans=True, flip_end_node_trans=True, respect_transition_validity=True, forbidden_cells=None) if len(new_path) >= 2: nr_created += 1 start_goal.append([start, goal]) start_dir.append(mirror(get_direction(new_path[0], new_path[1]))) else: # after too many failures we will give up created_sanity += 1 # add extra connections between existing rail created_sanity = 0 nr_created = 0 while nr_created < nr_extra and created_sanity < sanity_max: all_ok = False for _ in range(sanity_max): start = (np_random.randint(0, height), np_random.randint(0, width)) goal = (np_random.randint(0, height), np_random.randint(0, width)) # check to make sure start,goal pos are not empty if rail_array[goal] == 0 or rail_array[start] == 0: continue else: all_ok = True break if not all_ok: break new_path = connect_rail_in_grid_map(grid_map, start, goal, rail_trans, Vec2d.get_chebyshev_distance, flip_start_node_trans=True, flip_end_node_trans=True, respect_transition_validity=True, forbidden_cells=None) if len(new_path) >= 2: nr_created += 1 else: # after too many failures we will give up created_sanity += 1 return grid_map, {'agents_hints': { 'start_goal': start_goal, 'start_dir': start_dir }} return generator
[docs]def rail_from_manual_specifications_generator(rail_spec): """ Utility to convert a rail given by manual specification as a map of tuples (cell_type, rotation), to a transition map with the correct 16-bit transitions specifications. Parameters ---------- rail_spec : list of list of tuples List (rows) of lists (columns) of tuples, each specifying a rail_spec_of_cell for the RailEnv environment as (cell_type, rotation), with rotation being clock-wise and in [0, 90, 180, 270]. Returns ------- function Generator function that always returns a GridTransitionMap object with the matrix of correct 16-bit bitmaps for each rail_spec_of_cell. """ def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0, np_random: RandomState = None) -> RailGenerator: rail_env_transitions = RailEnvTransitions() height = len(rail_spec) width = len(rail_spec[0]) rail = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=rail_env_transitions) for r in range(height): for c in range(width): rail_spec_of_cell = rail_spec[r][c] index_basic_type_of_cell_ = rail_spec_of_cell[0] rotation_cell_ = rail_spec_of_cell[1] if index_basic_type_of_cell_ < 0 or index_basic_type_of_cell_ >= len(rail_env_transitions.transitions): print("ERROR - invalid rail_spec_of_cell type=", index_basic_type_of_cell_) return [] basic_type_of_cell_ = rail_env_transitions.transitions[index_basic_type_of_cell_] effective_transition_cell = rail_env_transitions.rotate_transition(basic_type_of_cell_, rotation_cell_) rail.set_transitions((r, c), effective_transition_cell) return [rail, None] return generator
[docs]def rail_from_file(filename, load_from_package=None) -> RailGenerator: """ Utility to load pickle file Parameters ---------- filename : Pickle file generated by or editor Returns ------- function Generator function that always returns a GridTransitionMap object with the matrix of correct 16-bit bitmaps for each rail_spec_of_cell. """ def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0, np_random: RandomState = None) -> RailGenerator: rail_env_transitions = RailEnvTransitions() if load_from_package is not None: from importlib_resources import read_binary load_data = read_binary(load_from_package, filename) else: with open(filename, "rb") as file_in: load_data = data = msgpack.unpackb(load_data, use_list=False) grid = np.array(data[b"grid"]) rail = GridTransitionMap(width=np.shape(grid)[1], height=np.shape(grid)[0], transitions=rail_env_transitions) rail.grid = grid if b"distance_map" in data.keys(): distance_map = data[b"distance_map"] if len(distance_map) > 0: return rail, {'distance_map': distance_map} return [rail, None] return generator
[docs]def rail_from_grid_transition_map(rail_map) -> RailGenerator: """ Utility to convert a rail given by a GridTransitionMap map with the correct 16-bit transitions specifications. Parameters ---------- rail_map : GridTransitionMap object GridTransitionMap object to return when the generator is called. Returns ------- function Generator function that always returns the given `rail_map` object. """ def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0, np_random: RandomState = None) -> RailGenerator: return rail_map, None return generator
[docs]def random_rail_generator(cell_type_relative_proportion=[1.0] * 11, seed=1) -> RailGenerator: """ Dummy random level generator: - fill in cells at random in [width-2, height-2] - keep filling cells in among the unfilled ones, such that all transitions\ are legit; if no cell can be filled in without violating some\ transitions, pick one among those that can satisfy most transitions\ (1,2,3 or 4), and delete (+mark to be re-filled) the cells that were\ incompatible. - keep trying for a total number of insertions\ (e.g., (W-2)*(H-2)*MAX_REPETITIONS ); if no solution is found, empty the\ board and try again from scratch. - finally pad the border of the map with dead-ends to avoid border issues. Dead-ends are not allowed inside the grid, only at the border; however, if no cell type can be inserted in a given cell (because of the neighboring transitions), deadends are allowed if they solve the problem. This was found to turn most un-genereatable levels into valid ones. Parameters ---------- width : int The width (number of cells) of the grid to generate. height : int The height (number of cells) of the grid to generate. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of type numpy.uint16 The matrix with the correct 16-bit bitmaps for each cell. """ def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0, np_random: RandomState = None) -> RailGenerator: t_utils = RailEnvTransitions() transition_probability = cell_type_relative_proportion transitions_templates_ = [] transition_probabilities = [] for i in range(len(t_utils.transitions)): # don't include dead-ends if t_utils.transitions[i] == int('0010000000000000', 2): continue all_transitions = 0 for dir_ in range(4): trans = t_utils.get_transitions(t_utils.transitions[i], dir_) all_transitions |= (trans[0] << 3) | \ (trans[1] << 2) | \ (trans[2] << 1) | \ (trans[3]) template = [int(x) for x in bin(all_transitions)[2:]] template = [0] * (4 - len(template)) + template # add all rotations for rot in [0, 90, 180, 270]: transitions_templates_.append((template, t_utils.rotate_transition( t_utils.transitions[i], rot))) transition_probabilities.append(transition_probability[i]) template = [template[-1]] + template[:-1] def get_matching_templates(template): """ Returns a list of possible transition maps for a given template Parameters: ------ template:List[int] Returns: ------ List[int] """ ret = [] for i in range(len(transitions_templates_)): is_match = True for j in range(4): if template[j] >= 0 and template[j] != transitions_templates_[i][0][j]: is_match = False break if is_match: ret.append((transitions_templates_[i][1], transition_probabilities[i])) return ret MAX_INSERTIONS = (width - 2) * (height - 2) * 10 MAX_ATTEMPTS_FROM_SCRATCH = 10 attempt_number = 0 while attempt_number < MAX_ATTEMPTS_FROM_SCRATCH: cells_to_fill = [] rail = [] for r in range(height): rail.append([None] * width) if r > 0 and r < height - 1: cells_to_fill = cells_to_fill + [(r, c) for c in range(1, width - 1)] num_insertions = 0 while num_insertions < MAX_INSERTIONS and len(cells_to_fill) > 0: cell = cells_to_fill[np_random.choice(len(cells_to_fill), 1)[0]] cells_to_fill.remove(cell) row = cell[0] col = cell[1] # look at its neighbors and see what are the possible transitions # that can be chosen from, if any. valid_template = [-1, -1, -1, -1] for el in [(0, 2, (-1, 0)), (1, 3, (0, 1)), (2, 0, (1, 0)), (3, 1, (0, -1))]: # N, E, S, W neigh_trans = rail[row + el[2][0]][col + el[2][1]] if neigh_trans is not None: # select transition coming from facing direction el[1] and # moving to direction el[1] max_bit = 0 for k in range(4): max_bit |= t_utils.get_transition(neigh_trans, k, el[1]) if max_bit: valid_template[el[0]] = 1 else: valid_template[el[0]] = 0 possible_cell_transitions = get_matching_templates(valid_template) if len(possible_cell_transitions) == 0: # NO VALID TRANSITIONS # no cell can be filled in without violating some transitions # can a dead-end solve the problem? if valid_template.count(1) == 1: for k in range(4): if valid_template[k] == 1: rot = 0 if k == 0: rot = 180 elif k == 1: rot = 270 elif k == 2: rot = 0 elif k == 3: rot = 90 rail[row][col] = t_utils.rotate_transition(int('0010000000000000', 2), rot) num_insertions += 1 break else: # can I get valid transitions by removing a single # neighboring cell? bestk = -1 besttrans = [] for k in range(4): tmp_template = valid_template[:] tmp_template[k] = -1 possible_cell_transitions = get_matching_templates(tmp_template) if len(possible_cell_transitions) > len(besttrans): besttrans = possible_cell_transitions bestk = k if bestk >= 0: # Replace the corresponding cell with None, append it # to cells to fill, fill in a transition in the current # cell. replace_row = row - 1 replace_col = col if bestk == 1: replace_row = row replace_col = col + 1 elif bestk == 2: replace_row = row + 1 replace_col = col elif bestk == 3: replace_row = row replace_col = col - 1 cells_to_fill.append((replace_row, replace_col)) rail[replace_row][replace_col] = None possible_transitions, possible_probabilities = zip(*besttrans) possible_probabilities = [p / sum(possible_probabilities) for p in possible_probabilities] rail[row][col] = np_random.choice(possible_transitions, p=possible_probabilities) num_insertions += 1 else: print('WARNING: still nothing!') rail[row][col] = int('0000000000000000', 2) num_insertions += 1 pass else: possible_transitions, possible_probabilities = zip(*possible_cell_transitions) possible_probabilities = [p / sum(possible_probabilities) for p in possible_probabilities] rail[row][col] = np_random.choice(possible_transitions, p=possible_probabilities) num_insertions += 1 if num_insertions == MAX_INSERTIONS: # Failed to generate a valid level; try again for a number of times attempt_number += 1 else: break if attempt_number == MAX_ATTEMPTS_FROM_SCRATCH: print('ERROR: failed to generate level') # Finally pad the border of the map with dead-ends to avoid border issues; # at most 1 transition in the neigh cell for r in range(height): # Check for transitions coming from [r][1] to WEST max_bit = 0 neigh_trans = rail[r][1] if neigh_trans is not None: for k in range(4): neigh_trans_from_direction = (neigh_trans >> ((3 - k) * 4)) & (2 ** 4 - 1) max_bit = max_bit | (neigh_trans_from_direction & 1) if max_bit: rail[r][0] = t_utils.rotate_transition(int('0010000000000000', 2), 270) else: rail[r][0] = int('0000000000000000', 2) # Check for transitions coming from [r][-2] to EAST max_bit = 0 neigh_trans = rail[r][-2] if neigh_trans is not None: for k in range(4): neigh_trans_from_direction = (neigh_trans >> ((3 - k) * 4)) & (2 ** 4 - 1) max_bit = max_bit | (neigh_trans_from_direction & (1 << 2)) if max_bit: rail[r][-1] = t_utils.rotate_transition(int('0010000000000000', 2), 90) else: rail[r][-1] = int('0000000000000000', 2) for c in range(width): # Check for transitions coming from [1][c] to NORTH max_bit = 0 neigh_trans = rail[1][c] if neigh_trans is not None: for k in range(4): neigh_trans_from_direction = (neigh_trans >> ((3 - k) * 4)) & (2 ** 4 - 1) max_bit = max_bit | (neigh_trans_from_direction & (1 << 3)) if max_bit: rail[0][c] = int('0010000000000000', 2) else: rail[0][c] = int('0000000000000000', 2) # Check for transitions coming from [-2][c] to SOUTH max_bit = 0 neigh_trans = rail[-2][c] if neigh_trans is not None: for k in range(4): neigh_trans_from_direction = (neigh_trans >> ((3 - k) * 4)) & (2 ** 4 - 1) max_bit = max_bit | (neigh_trans_from_direction & (1 << 1)) if max_bit: rail[-1][c] = t_utils.rotate_transition(int('0010000000000000', 2), 180) else: rail[-1][c] = int('0000000000000000', 2) # For display only, wrong levels for r in range(height): for c in range(width): if rail[r][c] is None: rail[r][c] = int('0000000000000000', 2) tmp_rail = np.asarray(rail, dtype=np.uint16) return_rail = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=t_utils) return_rail.grid = tmp_rail return return_rail, None return generator
[docs]def sparse_rail_generator(max_num_cities: int = 5, grid_mode: bool = False, max_rails_between_cities: int = 4, max_rails_in_city: int = 4, seed=0) -> RailGenerator: """ Generates railway networks with cities and inner city rails Parameters ---------- max_num_cities : int Max number of cities to build. The generator tries to achieve this numbers given all the parameters grid_mode: Bool How to distribute the cities in the path, either equally in a grid or random max_rails_between_cities: int Max number of rails connecting to a city. This is only the number of connection points at city boarder. Number of tracks drawn inbetween cities can still vary max_rails_in_city: int Number of parallel tracks in the city. This represents the number of tracks in the trainstations seed: int Initiate the seed Returns ------- Returns the rail generator object to the rail env constructor """ def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0, np_random: RandomState = None) -> RailGenerator: """ Parameters ---------- width: int Width of the environment height: int Height of the environment num_agents: Number of agents to be placed within the environment num_resets: int Count for how often the environment has been reset Returns ------- Returns the grid_map --> The railway infrastructure Hints: agents_hints': { 'num_agents': how many agents have starting and end spots 'agent_start_targets_cities': touples of agent start and target cities 'train_stations': locations of train stations for start and targets 'city_orientations' : orientation of cities """ rail_trans = RailEnvTransitions() grid_map = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=rail_trans) # We compute the city radius by the given max number of rails it can contain. # The radius is equal to the number of tracks divided by 2 # We add 2 cells to avoid that track lenght is to short city_padding = 2 # We use ceil if we get uneven numbers of city radius. This is to guarantee that all rails fit within the city. city_radius = int(np.ceil((max_rails_in_city) / 2)) + city_padding vector_field = np.zeros(shape=(height, width)) - 1. min_nr_rails_in_city = 2 rails_in_city = min_nr_rails_in_city if max_rails_in_city < min_nr_rails_in_city else max_rails_in_city rails_between_cities = rails_in_city if max_rails_between_cities > rails_in_city else max_rails_between_cities # Calculate the max number of cities allowed # and reduce the number of cities to build to avoid problems max_feasible_cities = min(max_num_cities, ((height - 2) // (2 * (city_radius + 1))) * ((width - 2) // (2 * (city_radius + 1)))) if max_feasible_cities < 2: sys.exit("[ABORT] Cannot fit more than one city in this map, no feasible environment possible! Aborting.") # Evenly distribute cities if grid_mode: city_positions = _generate_evenly_distr_city_positions(max_feasible_cities, city_radius, width, height) # Distribute cities randomlz else: city_positions = _generate_random_city_positions(max_feasible_cities, city_radius, width, height, np_random=np_random) # reduce num_cities if less were generated in random mode num_cities = len(city_positions) # If random generation failed just put the cities evenly if num_cities < 2: warnings.warn("[WARNING] Changing to Grid mode to place at least 2 cities.") city_positions = _generate_evenly_distr_city_positions(max_feasible_cities, city_radius, width, height) num_cities = len(city_positions) # Set up connection points for all cities inner_connection_points, outer_connection_points, city_orientations, city_cells = \ _generate_city_connection_points( city_positions, city_radius, vector_field, rails_between_cities, rails_in_city, np_random=np_random) # Connect the cities through the connection points inter_city_lines = _connect_cities(city_positions, outer_connection_points, city_cells, rail_trans, grid_map) # Build inner cities free_rails = _build_inner_cities(city_positions, inner_connection_points, outer_connection_points, rail_trans, grid_map) # Populate cities train_stations = _set_trainstation_positions(city_positions, city_radius, free_rails) # Fix all transition elements _fix_transitions(city_cells, inter_city_lines, grid_map, vector_field) return grid_map, {'agents_hints': { 'num_agents': num_agents, 'city_positions': city_positions, 'train_stations': train_stations, 'city_orientations': city_orientations }} def _generate_random_city_positions(num_cities: int, city_radius: int, width: int, height: int, np_random: RandomState = None) -> ( IntVector2DArray, IntVector2DArray): """ Distribute the cities randomly in the environment while respecting city sizes and guaranteeing that they don't overlap. Parameters ---------- num_cities: int Max number of cities that should be placed city_radius: int Radius of each city. Cities are squares with edge length 2 * city_radius + 1 width: int Width of the environment height: int Height of the environment Returns ------- Returns a list of all city positions as coordinates (x,y) """ city_positions: IntVector2DArray = [] for city_idx in range(num_cities): too_close = True tries = 0 while too_close: row = city_radius + 1 + np_random.randint(height - 2 * (city_radius + 1)) col = city_radius + 1 + np_random.randint(width - 2 * (city_radius + 1)) too_close = False # Check distance to cities for city_pos in city_positions: if _are_cities_overlapping((row, col), city_pos, 2 * (city_radius + 1) + 1): too_close = True if not too_close: city_positions.append((row, col)) tries += 1 if tries > 200: warnings.warn( "Could not set all required cities!") break return city_positions def _generate_evenly_distr_city_positions(num_cities: int, city_radius: int, width: int, height: int ) -> (IntVector2DArray, IntVector2DArray): """ Distribute the cities in an evenly spaced grid Parameters ---------- num_cities: int Max number of cities that should be placed city_radius: int Radius of each city. Cities are squares with edge length 2 * city_radius + 1 width: int Width of the environment height: int Height of the environment Returns ------- Returns a list of all city positions as coordinates (x,y) """ aspect_ratio = height / width # Compute max numbe of possible cities per row and col. # Respect padding at edges of environment # Respect padding between cities padding = 2 city_size = 2 * (city_radius + 1) max_cities_per_row = int((height - padding) // city_size) max_cities_per_col = int((width - padding) // city_size) # Choose number of cities per row. # Limit if it is more then max number of possible cities cities_per_row = min(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_cities * aspect_ratio))), max_cities_per_row) cities_per_col = min(int(np.ceil(num_cities / cities_per_row)), max_cities_per_col) num_build_cities = min(num_cities, cities_per_col * cities_per_row) row_positions = np.linspace(city_radius + 2, height - (city_radius + 2), cities_per_row, dtype=int) col_positions = np.linspace(city_radius + 2, width - (city_radius + 2), cities_per_col, dtype=int) city_positions = [] for city_idx in range(num_build_cities): row = row_positions[city_idx % cities_per_row] col = col_positions[city_idx // cities_per_row] city_positions.append((row, col)) return city_positions def _generate_city_connection_points(city_positions: IntVector2DArray, city_radius: int, vector_field: IntVector2DArray, rails_between_cities: int, rails_in_city: int = 2, np_random: RandomState = None) -> ( List[List[List[IntVector2D]]], List[List[List[IntVector2D]]], List[np.ndarray], List[Grid4TransitionsEnum]): """ Generate the city connection points. Internal connection points are used to generate the parallel paths within the city. External connection points are used to connect different cities together Parameters ---------- city_positions: IntVector2DArray Vector that contains all the positions of the cities city_radius: int Radius of each city. Cities are squares with edge length 2 * city_radius + 1 vector_field: IntVector2DArray Vectorfield of the size of the environment. It is used to generate preferred orienations for each cell. Each cell contains the prefered orientation of cells. If no prefered orientation is present it is set to -1 rails_between_cities: int Number of rails that connect out from the city rails_in_city: int Number of rails within the city Returns ------- inner_connection_points: List of List of length number of cities Contains all the inner connection points for each boarder of each city. [North_Points, East_Poinst, South_Points, West_Points] outer_connection_points: List of List of length number of cities Contains all the outer connection points for each boarder of the city. [North_Points, East_Poinst, South_Points, West_Points] city_orientations: List of length number of cities Contains all the orientations of cities. This is then used to orient agents according to the rails city_cells: List List containing the coordinates of all the cells that belong to a city. This is used by other algorithms to avoid drawing inter-city-rails through cities. """ inner_connection_points: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]] = [] outer_connection_points: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]] = [] city_orientations: List[Grid4TransitionsEnum] = [] city_cells: IntVector2DArray = [] for city_position in city_positions: # Chose the directions where close cities are situated neighb_dist = [] for neighbour_city in city_positions: neighb_dist.append(Vec2dOperations.get_manhattan_distance(city_position, neighbour_city)) closest_neighb_idx = argsort(neighb_dist) # Store the directions to these neighbours and orient city to face closest neighbour connection_sides_idx = [] idx = 1 if grid_mode: current_closest_direction = np_random.randint(4) else: current_closest_direction = direction_to_point(city_position, city_positions[closest_neighb_idx[idx]]) connection_sides_idx.append(current_closest_direction) connection_sides_idx.append((current_closest_direction + 2) % 4) city_orientations.append(current_closest_direction) city_cells.extend(_get_cells_in_city(city_position, city_radius, city_orientations[-1], vector_field)) # set the number of tracks within a city, at least 2 tracks per city connections_per_direction = np.zeros(4, dtype=int) nr_of_connection_points = np_random.randint(2, rails_in_city + 1) for idx in connection_sides_idx: connections_per_direction[idx] = nr_of_connection_points connection_points_coordinates_inner: List[List[IntVector2D]] = [[] for i in range(4)] connection_points_coordinates_outer: List[List[IntVector2D]] = [[] for i in range(4)] number_of_out_rails = np_random.randint(1, min(rails_between_cities, nr_of_connection_points) + 1) start_idx = int((nr_of_connection_points - number_of_out_rails) / 2) for direction in range(4): connection_slots = np.arange(nr_of_connection_points) - start_idx # Offset the rails away from the center of the city offset_distances = np.arange(nr_of_connection_points) - int(nr_of_connection_points / 2) # The clipping helps ofsetting one side more than the other to avoid switches at same locations # The magic number plus one is added such that all points have at least one offset inner_point_offset = np.abs(offset_distances) + np.clip(offset_distances, 0, 1) + 1 for connection_idx in range(connections_per_direction[direction]): if direction == 0: tmp_coordinates = ( city_position[0] - city_radius + inner_point_offset[connection_idx], city_position[1] + connection_slots[connection_idx]) out_tmp_coordinates = ( city_position[0] - city_radius, city_position[1] + connection_slots[connection_idx]) if direction == 1: tmp_coordinates = ( city_position[0] + connection_slots[connection_idx], city_position[1] + city_radius - inner_point_offset[connection_idx]) out_tmp_coordinates = ( city_position[0] + connection_slots[connection_idx], city_position[1] + city_radius) if direction == 2: tmp_coordinates = ( city_position[0] + city_radius - inner_point_offset[connection_idx], city_position[1] + connection_slots[connection_idx]) out_tmp_coordinates = ( city_position[0] + city_radius, city_position[1] + connection_slots[connection_idx]) if direction == 3: tmp_coordinates = ( city_position[0] + connection_slots[connection_idx], city_position[1] - city_radius + inner_point_offset[connection_idx]) out_tmp_coordinates = ( city_position[0] + connection_slots[connection_idx], city_position[1] - city_radius) connection_points_coordinates_inner[direction].append(tmp_coordinates) if connection_idx in range(start_idx, start_idx + number_of_out_rails): connection_points_coordinates_outer[direction].append(out_tmp_coordinates) inner_connection_points.append(connection_points_coordinates_inner) outer_connection_points.append(connection_points_coordinates_outer) return inner_connection_points, outer_connection_points, city_orientations, city_cells def _connect_cities(city_positions: IntVector2DArray, connection_points: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]], city_cells: IntVector2DArray, rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions, grid_map: RailEnvTransitions) -> List[IntVector2DArray]: """ Connects cities together through rails. Each city connects from its outgoing connection points to the closest cities. This guarantees that all connection points are used. Parameters ---------- city_positions: IntVector2DArray All coordinates of the cities connection_points: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]] List of coordinates of all outer connection points city_cells: IntVector2DArray Coordinates of all the cells contained in any city. This is used to avoid drawing rails through existing cities. rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions Railway transition objects grid_map: RailEnvTransitions The grid map containing the rails. Used to draw new rails Returns ------- Returns a list of all the cells (Coordinates) that belong to a rail path. This can be used to access railway cells later. """ all_paths: List[IntVector2DArray] = [] grid4_directions = [Grid4TransitionsEnum.NORTH, Grid4TransitionsEnum.EAST, Grid4TransitionsEnum.SOUTH, Grid4TransitionsEnum.WEST] for current_city_idx in np.arange(len(city_positions)): closest_neighbours = _closest_neighbour_in_grid4_directions(current_city_idx, city_positions) for out_direction in grid4_directions: neighbour_idx = get_closest_neighbour_for_direction(closest_neighbours, out_direction) for city_out_connection_point in connection_points[current_city_idx][out_direction]: min_connection_dist = np.inf for direction in grid4_directions: current_points = connection_points[neighbour_idx][direction] for tmp_in_connection_point in current_points: tmp_dist = Vec2dOperations.get_manhattan_distance(city_out_connection_point, tmp_in_connection_point) if tmp_dist < min_connection_dist: min_connection_dist = tmp_dist neighbour_connection_point = tmp_in_connection_point new_line = connect_rail_in_grid_map(grid_map, city_out_connection_point, neighbour_connection_point, rail_trans, flip_start_node_trans=False, flip_end_node_trans=False, respect_transition_validity=False, avoid_rail=True, forbidden_cells=city_cells) all_paths.extend(new_line) return all_paths def get_closest_neighbour_for_direction(closest_neighbours, out_direction): """ Given a list of clostest neighbours in each direction this returns the city index of the neighbor in a given direction. Direction is a 90 degree cone facing the desired directiont. Exampe: North: The closes neighbour in the North direction is within the cone spanned by a line going North-West and North-East Parameters ---------- closest_neighbours: List List of length 4 containing the index of closes neighbour in the corresponfing direction: [North-Neighbour, East-Neighbour, South-Neighbour, West-Neighbour] out_direction: int Direction we want to get city index from North: 0, East: 1, South: 2, West: 3 Returns ------- Returns the index of the closest neighbour in the desired direction. If none was present the neighbor clockwise or counter clockwise is returned """ neighbour_idx = closest_neighbours[out_direction] if neighbour_idx is not None: return neighbour_idx neighbour_idx = closest_neighbours[(out_direction - 1) % 4] # counter-clockwise if neighbour_idx is not None: return neighbour_idx neighbour_idx = closest_neighbours[(out_direction + 1) % 4] # clockwise if neighbour_idx is not None: return neighbour_idx return closest_neighbours[(out_direction + 2) % 4] # clockwise def _build_inner_cities(city_positions: IntVector2DArray, inner_connection_points: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]], outer_connection_points: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]], rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions, grid_map: GridTransitionMap) -> (List[IntVector2DArray], List[List[List[IntVector2D]]]): """ Set the parallel tracks within the city. The center track of the city is of the length of the city, the lenght of the tracks decrease by 2 for every parallel track away from the center EG: --- Left Track ----- Center Track --- Right Track Parameters ---------- city_positions: IntVector2DArray All coordinates of the cities inner_connection_points: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]] Points on city boarder that are used to generate inner city track outer_connection_points: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]] Points where the city is connected to neighboring cities rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions Railway transition objects grid_map: RailEnvTransitions The grid map containing the rails. Used to draw new rails Returns ------- Returns a list of all the cells (Coordinates) that belong to a rail paths within the city. """ free_rails: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]] = [[] for i in range(len(city_positions))] for current_city in range(len(city_positions)): # This part only works if we have keep same number of connection points for both directions # Also only works with two connection direction at each city for i in range(4): if len(inner_connection_points[current_city][i]) > 0: boarder = i break opposite_boarder = (boarder + 2) % 4 nr_of_connection_points = len(inner_connection_points[current_city][boarder]) number_of_out_rails = len(outer_connection_points[current_city][boarder]) start_idx = int((nr_of_connection_points - number_of_out_rails) / 2) # Connect parallel tracks for track_id in range(nr_of_connection_points): source = inner_connection_points[current_city][boarder][track_id] target = inner_connection_points[current_city][opposite_boarder][track_id] current_track = connect_straight_line_in_grid_map(grid_map, source, target, rail_trans) free_rails[current_city].append(current_track) for track_id in range(nr_of_connection_points): source = inner_connection_points[current_city][boarder][track_id] target = inner_connection_points[current_city][opposite_boarder][track_id] # Connect parallel tracks with each other fix_inner_nodes( grid_map, source, rail_trans) fix_inner_nodes( grid_map, target, rail_trans) # Connect outer tracks to inner tracks if start_idx <= track_id < start_idx + number_of_out_rails: source_outer = outer_connection_points[current_city][boarder][track_id - start_idx] target_outer = outer_connection_points[current_city][opposite_boarder][track_id - start_idx] connect_straight_line_in_grid_map(grid_map, source, source_outer, rail_trans) connect_straight_line_in_grid_map(grid_map, target, target_outer, rail_trans) return free_rails def _set_trainstation_positions(city_positions: IntVector2DArray, city_radius: int, free_rails: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]]) -> List[List[Tuple[IntVector2D, int]]]: """ Populate the cities with possible start and end positions. Trainstations are set on the center of each paralell track. Each trainstation gets a coordinate as well as number indicating what track it is on Parameters ---------- city_positions: IntVector2DArray All coordinates of the cities city_radius: int Radius of each city. Cities are squares with edge length 2 * city_radius + 1 free_rails: List[List[List[IntVector2D]]] Cells that allow for trainstations to be placed Returns ------- Returns a List[List[Tuple[IntVector2D, int]]] containing the coordinates of trainstations as well as their track number within the city """ num_cities = len(city_positions) train_stations = [[] for i in range(num_cities)] for current_city in range(len(city_positions)): for track_nbr in range(len(free_rails[current_city])): possible_location = free_rails[current_city][track_nbr][ int(len(free_rails[current_city][track_nbr]) / 2)] train_stations[current_city].append((possible_location, track_nbr)) return train_stations def _fix_transitions(city_cells: IntVector2DArray, inter_city_lines: List[IntVector2DArray], grid_map: GridTransitionMap, vector_field): """ Check and fix transitions of all the cells that were modified. This is necessary because we ignore validity while drawing the rails. Parameters ---------- city_cells: IntVector2DArray Cells within cities. All of these might have changed and are thus checked inter_city_lines: List[IntVector2DArray] All cells within rails drawn between cities vector_field: IntVector2DArray Vectorfield of the size of the environment. It is used to generate preferred orienations for each cell. Each cell contains the prefered orientation of cells. If no prefered orientation is present it is set to -1 grid_map: RailEnvTransitions The grid map containing the rails. Used to draw new rails """ # Fix all cities with illegal transition maps rails_to_fix = np.zeros(3 * grid_map.height * grid_map.width * 2, dtype='int') rails_to_fix_cnt = 0 cells_to_fix = city_cells + inter_city_lines for cell in cells_to_fix: cell_valid = grid_map.cell_neighbours_valid(cell, True) if not cell_valid: rails_to_fix[3 * rails_to_fix_cnt] = cell[0] rails_to_fix[3 * rails_to_fix_cnt + 1] = cell[1] rails_to_fix[3 * rails_to_fix_cnt + 2] = vector_field[cell] rails_to_fix_cnt += 1 # Fix all other cells for cell in range(rails_to_fix_cnt): grid_map.fix_transitions((rails_to_fix[3 * cell], rails_to_fix[3 * cell + 1]), rails_to_fix[3 * cell + 2]) def _closest_neighbour_in_grid4_directions(current_city_idx: int, city_positions: IntVector2DArray) -> List[int]: """ Finds the closest city in each direction of the current city Parameters ---------- current_city_idx: int Index of current city city_positions: IntVector2DArray Vector containing the coordinates of all cities Returns ------- Returns indices of closest neighbour in every direction NESW """ city_distances = [] closest_neighbour: List[int] = [None for i in range(4)] # compute distance to all other cities for city_idx in range(len(city_positions)): city_distances.append( Vec2dOperations.get_manhattan_distance(city_positions[current_city_idx], city_positions[city_idx])) sorted_neighbours = np.argsort(city_distances) for neighbour in sorted_neighbours[1:]: # do not include city itself direction_to_neighbour = direction_to_point(city_positions[current_city_idx], city_positions[neighbour]) if closest_neighbour[direction_to_neighbour] is None: closest_neighbour[direction_to_neighbour] = neighbour # early return once all 4 directions have a closest neighbour if None not in closest_neighbour: return closest_neighbour return closest_neighbour def argsort(seq): """ Same as Numpy sort but for lists Parameters ---------- seq: List list that we would like to sort from smallest to largest Returns ------- Returns the sorted list """ # return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=seq.__getitem__) def _get_cells_in_city(center: IntVector2D, radius: int, city_orientation: int, vector_field: IntVector2DArray) -> IntVector2DArray: """ Function the collect cells of a city. It also populates the vector field accoring to the orientation of the city. Example: City oriented north with a radius of 5, the vectorfield in the city will be as follows: |S|S|S|S|S| |S|S|S|S|S| |S|S|S|S|S| <-- City center |N|N|N|N|N| |N|N|N|N|N| This is used to later orient the switches to avoid infeasible maps. Parameters ---------- center: IntVector2D center coordinates of city radius: int radius of city (it is a square) city_orientation: int Orientation of city Returns ------- flat list of all cell coordinates in the city """ x_range = np.arange(center[0] - radius, center[0] + radius + 1) y_range = np.arange(center[1] - radius, center[1] + radius + 1) x_values = np.repeat(x_range, len(y_range)) y_values = np.tile(y_range, len(x_range)) city_cells = list(zip(x_values, y_values)) for cell in city_cells: vector_field[cell] = align_cell_to_city(center, city_orientation, cell) return city_cells def _are_cities_overlapping(center_1, center_2, radius): """ Check if two cities overlap. That is we check if two squares with certain edge length and position overlap Parameters ---------- center_1: (int, int) Center of first city center_2: (int, int) Center of second city radius: int Radius of each city. Cities are squares with edge length 2 * city_radius + 1 Returns ------- Returns True if the cities overlap and False otherwise """ return np.abs(center_1[0] - center_2[0]) < radius and np.abs(center_1[1] - center_2[1]) < radius return generator