Definition of the RailEnv environment.
import random
# TODO: _ this is a global method --> utils or remove later
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Dict
import msgpack
import msgpack_numpy as m
import numpy as np
from gym.utils import seeding
from msgpack import Packer
from flatland.core.env import Environment
from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import ObservationBuilder
from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4TransitionsEnum, Grid4Transitions
from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import IntVector2D
from flatland.core.transition_map import GridTransitionMap
from flatland.envs.agent_utils import EnvAgent, RailAgentStatus
from flatland.envs.distance_map import DistanceMap
from flatland.envs.malfunction_generators import no_malfunction_generator, Malfunction, MalfunctionProcessData
from flatland.envs.observations import GlobalObsForRailEnv
from flatland.envs.rail_generators import random_rail_generator, RailGenerator
from flatland.envs.schedule_generators import random_schedule_generator, ScheduleGenerator
[docs]class RailEnvActions(IntEnum):
DO_NOTHING = 0 # implies change of direction in a dead-end!
[docs] @staticmethod
def to_char(a: int):
return {
0: 'B',
1: 'L',
2: 'F',
3: 'R',
4: 'S',
RailEnvGridPos = NamedTuple('RailEnvGridPos', [('r', int), ('c', int)])
RailEnvNextAction = NamedTuple('RailEnvNextAction', [('action', RailEnvActions), ('next_position', RailEnvGridPos),
('next_direction', Grid4TransitionsEnum)])
[docs]class RailEnv(Environment):
RailEnv environment class.
RailEnv is an environment inspired by a (simplified version of) a rail
network, in which agents (trains) have to navigate to their target
locations in the shortest time possible, while at the same time cooperating
to avoid bottlenecks.
The valid actions in the environment are:
- 0: do nothing (continue moving or stay still)
- 1: turn left at switch and move to the next cell; if the agent was not moving, movement is started
- 2: move to the next cell in front of the agent; if the agent was not moving, movement is started
- 3: turn right at switch and move to the next cell; if the agent was not moving, movement is started
- 4: stop moving
Moving forward in a dead-end cell makes the agent turn 180 degrees and step
to the cell it came from.
The actions of the agents are executed in order of their handle to prevent
deadlocks and to allow them to learn relative priorities.
Reward Function:
It costs each agent a step_penalty for every time-step taken in the environment. Independent of the movement
of the agent. Currently all other penalties such as penalty for stopping, starting and invalid actions are set to 0.
alpha = 1
beta = 1
Reward function parameters:
- invalid_action_penalty = 0
- step_penalty = -alpha
- global_reward = beta
- epsilon = avoid rounding errors
- stop_penalty = 0 # penalty for stopping a moving agent
- start_penalty = 0 # penalty for starting a stopped agent
Stochastic malfunctioning of trains:
Trains in RailEnv can malfunction if they are halted too often (either by their own choice or because an invalid
action or cell is selected.
Every time an agent stops, an agent has a certain probability of malfunctioning. Malfunctions of trains follow a
poisson process with a certain rate. Not all trains will be affected by malfunctions during episodes to keep
complexity managable.
TODO: currently, the parameters that control the stochasticity of the environment are hard-coded in init().
For Round 2, they will be passed to the constructor as arguments, to allow for more flexibility.
alpha = 1.0
beta = 1.0
# Epsilon to avoid rounding errors
epsilon = 0.01
invalid_action_penalty = 0 # previously -2; GIACOMO: we decided that invalid actions will carry no penalty
step_penalty = -1 * alpha
global_reward = 1 * beta
stop_penalty = 0 # penalty for stopping a moving agent
start_penalty = 0 # penalty for starting a stopped agent
def __init__(self,
rail_generator: RailGenerator = random_rail_generator(),
schedule_generator: ScheduleGenerator = random_schedule_generator(),
obs_builder_object: ObservationBuilder = GlobalObsForRailEnv(),
Environment init.
rail_generator : function
The rail_generator function is a function that takes the width,
height and agents handles of a rail environment, along with the number of times
the env has been reset, and returns a GridTransitionMap object and a list of
starting positions, targets, and initial orientations for agent handle.
The rail_generator can pass a distance map in the hints or information for specific schedule_generators.
Implementations can be found in flatland/envs/rail_generators.py
schedule_generator : function
The schedule_generator function is a function that takes the grid, the number of agents and optional hints
and returns a list of starting positions, targets, initial orientations and speed for all agent handles.
Implementations can be found in flatland/envs/schedule_generators.py
width : int
The width of the rail map. Potentially in the future,
a range of widths to sample from.
height : int
The height of the rail map. Potentially in the future,
a range of heights to sample from.
number_of_agents : int
Number of agents to spawn on the map. Potentially in the future,
a range of number of agents to sample from.
obs_builder_object: ObservationBuilder object
ObservationBuilder-derived object that takes builds observation
vectors for each agent.
remove_agents_at_target : bool
If remove_agents_at_target is set to true then the agents will be removed by placing to
RailEnv.DEPOT_POSITION when the agent has reach it's target position.
random_seed : int or None
if None, then its ignored, else the random generators are seeded with this number to ensure
that stochastic operations are replicable across multiple operations
self.malfunction_generator, self.malfunction_process_data = malfunction_generator_and_process_data
self.rail_generator: RailGenerator = rail_generator
self.schedule_generator: ScheduleGenerator = schedule_generator
self.rail: Optional[GridTransitionMap] = None
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.remove_agents_at_target = remove_agents_at_target
self.rewards = [0] * number_of_agents
self.done = False
self.obs_builder = obs_builder_object
self._max_episode_steps: Optional[int] = None
self._elapsed_steps = 0
self.dones = dict.fromkeys(list(range(number_of_agents)) + ["__all__"], False)
self.obs_dict = {}
self.rewards_dict = {}
self.dev_obs_dict = {}
self.dev_pred_dict = {}
self.agents: List[EnvAgent] = []
self.number_of_agents = number_of_agents
self.num_resets = 0
self.distance_map = DistanceMap(self.agents, self.height, self.width)
self.action_space = [5]
self.random_seed = random_seed
if self.random_seed:
self.valid_positions = None
# global numpy array of agents position, True means that there is an agent at that cell
self.agent_positions: np.ndarray = np.full((height, width), False)
# save episode timesteps ie agent positions, orientations. (not yet actions / observations)
self.record_steps = record_steps # whether to save timesteps
self.cur_episode = [] # save timesteps in here
def _seed(self, seed=None):
self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
return [seed]
# no more agent_handles
[docs] def get_agent_handles(self):
return range(self.get_num_agents())
[docs] def get_num_agents(self) -> int:
return len(self.agents)
[docs] def add_agent(self, agent):
""" Add static info for a single agent.
Returns the index of the new agent.
return len(self.agents) - 1
[docs] def set_agent_active(self, agent: EnvAgent):
if agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART and self.cell_free(agent.initial_position):
agent.status = RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE
self._set_agent_to_initial_position(agent, agent.initial_position)
[docs] def reset_agents(self):
""" Reset the agents to their starting positions
for agent in self.agents:
self.active_agents = [i for i in range(len(self.agents))]
[docs] @staticmethod
def compute_max_episode_steps(width: int, height: int, ratio_nr_agents_to_nr_cities: float = 20.0) -> int:
compute_max_episode_steps(width, height, ratio_nr_agents_to_nr_cities, timedelay_factor, alpha)
The method computes the max number of episode steps allowed
width : int
width of environment
height : int
height of environment
ratio_nr_agents_to_nr_cities : float, optional
max_episode_steps: int
maximum number of episode steps
timedelay_factor = 4
alpha = 2
return int(timedelay_factor * alpha * (width + height + ratio_nr_agents_to_nr_cities))
[docs] def action_required(self, agent):
Check if an agent needs to provide an action
agent: RailEnvAgent
Agent we want to check
True: Agent needs to provide an action
False: Agent cannot provide an action
return (agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART or (
agent.status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE and np.isclose(agent.speed_data['position_fraction'], 0.0,
[docs] def reset(self, regenerate_rail: bool = True, regenerate_schedule: bool = True, activate_agents: bool = False,
random_seed: bool = None) -> (Dict, Dict):
reset(regenerate_rail, regenerate_schedule, activate_agents, random_seed)
The method resets the rail environment
regenerate_rail : bool, optional
regenerate the rails
regenerate_schedule : bool, optional
regenerate the schedule and the static agents
activate_agents : bool, optional
activate the agents
random_seed : bool, optional
random seed for environment
observation_dict: Dict
Dictionary with an observation for each agent
info_dict: Dict with agent specific information
if random_seed:
optionals = {}
if regenerate_rail or self.rail is None:
rail, optionals = self.rail_generator(self.width, self.height, self.number_of_agents, self.num_resets,
self.rail = rail
self.height, self.width = self.rail.grid.shape
# Do a new set_env call on the obs_builder to ensure
# that obs_builder specific instantiations are made according to the
# specifications of the current environment : like width, height, etc
if optionals and 'distance_map' in optionals:
if regenerate_schedule or regenerate_rail or self.get_num_agents() == 0:
agents_hints = None
if optionals and 'agents_hints' in optionals:
agents_hints = optionals['agents_hints']
schedule = self.schedule_generator(self.rail, self.number_of_agents, agents_hints, self.num_resets,
self.agents = EnvAgent.from_schedule(schedule)
if agents_hints and 'city_orientations' in agents_hints:
ratio_nr_agents_to_nr_cities = self.get_num_agents() / len(agents_hints['city_orientations'])
self._max_episode_steps = self.compute_max_episode_steps(
width=self.width, height=self.height,
self._max_episode_steps = self.compute_max_episode_steps(width=self.width, height=self.height)
self.agent_positions = np.zeros((self.height, self.width), dtype=int) - 1
# Reset agents to initial
for agent in self.agents:
# Induce malfunctions
if activate_agents:
if agent.malfunction_data["malfunction"] > 0:
agent.speed_data['transition_action_on_cellexit'] = RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING
# Fix agents that finished their malfunction
self.num_resets += 1
self._elapsed_steps = 0
# TODO perhaps dones should be part of each agent.
self.dones = dict.fromkeys(list(range(self.get_num_agents())) + ["__all__"], False)
# Reset the state of the observation builder with the new environment
self.distance_map.reset(self.agents, self.rail)
# Reset the malfunction generator
info_dict: Dict = {
'action_required': {i: self.action_required(agent) for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)},
'malfunction': {
i: agent.malfunction_data['malfunction'] for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)
'speed': {i: agent.speed_data['speed'] for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)},
'status': {i: agent.status for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)}
# Return the new observation vectors for each agent
observation_dict: Dict = self._get_observations()
return observation_dict, info_dict
def _fix_agent_after_malfunction(self, agent: EnvAgent):
Updates agent malfunction variables and fixes broken agents
# Ignore agents that are OK
if self._is_agent_ok(agent):
# Reduce number of malfunction steps left
if agent.malfunction_data['malfunction'] > 1:
agent.malfunction_data['malfunction'] -= 1
# Restart agents at the end of their malfunction
agent.malfunction_data['malfunction'] -= 1
if 'moving_before_malfunction' in agent.malfunction_data:
agent.moving = agent.malfunction_data['moving_before_malfunction']
def _break_agent(self, agent: EnvAgent):
Malfunction generator that breaks agents at a given rate.
malfunction: Malfunction = self.malfunction_generator(agent, self.np_random)
if malfunction.num_broken_steps > 0:
agent.malfunction_data['malfunction'] = malfunction.num_broken_steps
agent.malfunction_data['moving_before_malfunction'] = agent.moving
agent.malfunction_data['nr_malfunctions'] += 1
[docs] def step(self, action_dict_: Dict[int, RailEnvActions]):
Updates rewards for the agents at a step.
action_dict_ : Dict[int,RailEnvActions]
self._elapsed_steps += 1
# If we're done, set reward and info_dict and step() is done.
if self.dones["__all__"]:
self.rewards_dict = {}
info_dict = {
"action_required": {},
"malfunction": {},
"speed": {},
"status": {},
for i_agent, agent in enumerate(self.agents):
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] = self.global_reward
info_dict["action_required"][i_agent] = False
info_dict["malfunction"][i_agent] = 0
info_dict["speed"][i_agent] = 0
info_dict["status"][i_agent] = agent.status
return self._get_observations(), self.rewards_dict, self.dones, info_dict
# Reset the step rewards
self.rewards_dict = dict()
info_dict = {
"action_required": {},
"malfunction": {},
"speed": {},
"status": {},
have_all_agents_ended = True # boolean flag to check if all agents are done
for i_agent, agent in enumerate(self.agents):
# Reset the step rewards
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] = 0
# Induce malfunction before we do a step, thus a broken agent can't move in this step
# Perform step on the agent
self._step_agent(i_agent, action_dict_.get(i_agent))
# manage the boolean flag to check if all agents are indeed done (or done_removed)
have_all_agents_ended &= (agent.status in [RailAgentStatus.DONE, RailAgentStatus.DONE_REMOVED])
# Build info dict
info_dict["action_required"][i_agent] = self.action_required(agent)
info_dict["malfunction"][i_agent] = agent.malfunction_data['malfunction']
info_dict["speed"][i_agent] = agent.speed_data['speed']
info_dict["status"][i_agent] = agent.status
# Fix agents that finished their malfunction such that they can perform an action in the next step
# Check for end of episode + set global reward to all rewards!
if have_all_agents_ended:
self.dones["__all__"] = True
self.rewards_dict = {i: self.global_reward for i in range(self.get_num_agents())}
if (self._max_episode_steps is not None) and (self._elapsed_steps >= self._max_episode_steps):
self.dones["__all__"] = True
for i_agent in range(self.get_num_agents()):
self.dones[i_agent] = True
if self.record_steps:
return self._get_observations(), self.rewards_dict, self.dones, info_dict
def _step_agent(self, i_agent, action: Optional[RailEnvActions] = None):
Performs a step and step, start and stop penalty on a single agent in the following sub steps:
- malfunction
- action handling if at the beginning of cell
- movement
i_agent : int
action_dict_ : Dict[int,RailEnvActions]
agent = self.agents[i_agent]
if agent.status in [RailAgentStatus.DONE, RailAgentStatus.DONE_REMOVED]: # this agent has already completed...
# agent gets active by a MOVE_* action and if c
if agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART:
if action in [RailEnvActions.MOVE_LEFT, RailEnvActions.MOVE_RIGHT,
RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD] and self.cell_free(agent.initial_position):
agent.status = RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE
self._set_agent_to_initial_position(agent, agent.initial_position)
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.step_penalty * agent.speed_data['speed']
# TODO: Here we need to check for the departure time in future releases with full schedules
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.step_penalty * agent.speed_data['speed']
agent.old_direction = agent.direction
agent.old_position = agent.position
# if agent is broken, actions are ignored and agent does not move.
# full step penalty in this case
if agent.malfunction_data['malfunction'] > 0:
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.step_penalty * agent.speed_data['speed']
# Is the agent at the beginning of the cell? Then, it can take an action.
# As long as the agent is malfunctioning or stopped at the beginning of the cell,
# different actions may be taken!
if np.isclose(agent.speed_data['position_fraction'], 0.0, rtol=1e-03):
# No action has been supplied for this agent -> set DO_NOTHING as default
if action is None:
action = RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING
if action < 0 or action > len(RailEnvActions):
print('ERROR: illegal action=', action,
'for agent with index=', i_agent,
'"DO NOTHING" will be executed instead')
action = RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING
if action == RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING and agent.moving:
# Keep moving
action = RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD
if action == RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING and agent.moving:
# Only allow halting an agent on entering new cells.
agent.moving = False
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.stop_penalty
if not agent.moving and not (
action == RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING or
action == RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING):
# Allow agent to start with any forward or direction action
agent.moving = True
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.start_penalty
# Store the action if action is moving
# If not moving, the action will be stored when the agent starts moving again.
if agent.moving:
_action_stored = False
_, new_cell_valid, new_direction, new_position, transition_valid = \
self._check_action_on_agent(action, agent)
if all([new_cell_valid, transition_valid]):
agent.speed_data['transition_action_on_cellexit'] = action
_action_stored = True
# But, if the chosen invalid action was LEFT/RIGHT, and the agent is moving,
# try to keep moving forward!
if (action == RailEnvActions.MOVE_LEFT or action == RailEnvActions.MOVE_RIGHT):
_, new_cell_valid, new_direction, new_position, transition_valid = \
self._check_action_on_agent(RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD, agent)
if all([new_cell_valid, transition_valid]):
agent.speed_data['transition_action_on_cellexit'] = RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD
_action_stored = True
if not _action_stored:
# If the agent cannot move due to an invalid transition, we set its state to not moving
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.invalid_action_penalty
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.stop_penalty
agent.moving = False
# Now perform a movement.
# If agent.moving, increment the position_fraction by the speed of the agent
# If the new position fraction is >= 1, reset to 0, and perform the stored
# transition_action_on_cellexit if the cell is free.
if agent.moving:
agent.speed_data['position_fraction'] += agent.speed_data['speed']
if agent.speed_data['position_fraction'] > 1.0 or np.isclose(agent.speed_data['position_fraction'], 1.0,
# Perform stored action to transition to the next cell as soon as cell is free
# Notice that we've already checked new_cell_valid and transition valid when we stored the action,
# so we only have to check cell_free now!
# cell and transition validity was checked when we stored transition_action_on_cellexit!
cell_free, new_cell_valid, new_direction, new_position, transition_valid = self._check_action_on_agent(
agent.speed_data['transition_action_on_cellexit'], agent)
# N.B. validity of new_cell and transition should have been verified before the action was stored!
assert new_cell_valid
assert transition_valid
if cell_free:
self._move_agent_to_new_position(agent, new_position)
agent.direction = new_direction
agent.speed_data['position_fraction'] = 0.0
# has the agent reached its target?
if np.equal(agent.position, agent.target).all():
agent.status = RailAgentStatus.DONE
self.dones[i_agent] = True
agent.moving = False
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.step_penalty * agent.speed_data['speed']
# step penalty if not moving (stopped now or before)
self.rewards_dict[i_agent] += self.step_penalty * agent.speed_data['speed']
def _set_agent_to_initial_position(self, agent: EnvAgent, new_position: IntVector2D):
Sets the agent to its initial position. Updates the agent object and the position
of the agent inside the global agent_position numpy array
agent: EnvAgent object
new_position: IntVector2D
agent.position = new_position
self.agent_positions[agent.position] = agent.handle
def _move_agent_to_new_position(self, agent: EnvAgent, new_position: IntVector2D):
Move the agent to the a new position. Updates the agent object and the position
of the agent inside the global agent_position numpy array
agent: EnvAgent object
new_position: IntVector2D
agent.position = new_position
self.agent_positions[agent.old_position] = -1
self.agent_positions[agent.position] = agent.handle
def _remove_agent_from_scene(self, agent: EnvAgent):
Remove the agent from the scene. Updates the agent object and the position
of the agent inside the global agent_position numpy array
agent: EnvAgent object
self.agent_positions[agent.position] = -1
if self.remove_agents_at_target:
agent.position = None
agent.status = RailAgentStatus.DONE_REMOVED
def _check_action_on_agent(self, action: RailEnvActions, agent: EnvAgent):
action : RailEnvActions
agent : EnvAgent
Is it a legal move?
1) transition allows the new_direction in the cell,
2) the new cell is not empty (case 0),
3) the cell is free, i.e., no agent is currently in that cell
# compute number of possible transitions in the current
# cell used to check for invalid actions
new_direction, transition_valid = self.check_action(agent, action)
new_position = get_new_position(agent.position, new_direction)
new_cell_valid = (
np.array_equal( # Check the new position is still in the grid
np.clip(new_position, [0, 0], [self.height - 1, self.width - 1]))
and # check the new position has some transitions (ie is not an empty cell)
self.rail.get_full_transitions(*new_position) > 0)
# If transition validity hasn't been checked yet.
if transition_valid is None:
transition_valid = self.rail.get_transition(
(*agent.position, agent.direction),
# only call cell_free() if new cell is inside the scene
if new_cell_valid:
# Check the new position is not the same as any of the existing agent positions
# (including itself, for simplicity, since it is moving)
cell_free = self.cell_free(new_position)
# if new cell is outside of scene -> cell_free is False
cell_free = False
return cell_free, new_cell_valid, new_direction, new_position, transition_valid
[docs] def record_timestep(self):
''' Record the positions and orientations of all agents in memory, in the cur_episode
list_agents_state = []
for i_agent in range(self.get_num_agents()):
agent = self.agents[i_agent]
# the int cast is to avoid numpy types which may cause problems with msgpack
# in env v2, agents may have position None, before starting
if agent.position is None:
pos = (0, 0)
pos = (int(agent.position[0]), int(agent.position[1]))
# print("pos:", pos, type(pos[0]))
list_agents_state.append([*pos, int(agent.direction)])
[docs] def cell_free(self, position: IntVector2D) -> bool:
Utility to check if a cell is free
position : Tuple[int, int]
is the cell free or not?
return self.agent_positions[position] == -1
[docs] def check_action(self, agent: EnvAgent, action: RailEnvActions):
agent : EnvAgent
action : RailEnvActions
transition_valid = None
possible_transitions = self.rail.get_transitions(*agent.position, agent.direction)
num_transitions = np.count_nonzero(possible_transitions)
new_direction = agent.direction
if action == RailEnvActions.MOVE_LEFT:
new_direction = agent.direction - 1
if num_transitions <= 1:
transition_valid = False
elif action == RailEnvActions.MOVE_RIGHT:
new_direction = agent.direction + 1
if num_transitions <= 1:
transition_valid = False
new_direction %= 4
if action == RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD and num_transitions == 1:
# - dead-end, straight line or curved line;
# new_direction will be the only valid transition
# - take only available transition
new_direction = np.argmax(possible_transitions)
transition_valid = True
return new_direction, transition_valid
def _get_observations(self):
Utility which returns the observations for an agent with respect to environment
Dict object
self.obs_dict = self.obs_builder.get_many(list(range(self.get_num_agents())))
return self.obs_dict
[docs] def get_valid_directions_on_grid(self, row: int, col: int) -> List[int]:
Returns directions in which the agent can move
row : int
col : int
return Grid4Transitions.get_entry_directions(self.rail.get_full_transitions(row, col))
[docs] def get_full_state_msg(self) -> Packer:
Returns state of environment in msgpack object
grid_data = self.rail.grid.tolist()
agent_data = [agent.to_agent() for agent in self.agents]
malfunction_data: MalfunctionProcessData = self.malfunction_process_data
msgpack.packb(grid_data, use_bin_type=True)
msgpack.packb(agent_data, use_bin_type=True)
msg_data = {
"grid": grid_data,
"agents": agent_data,
"malfunction": malfunction_data}
return msgpack.packb(msg_data, use_bin_type=True)
[docs] def get_agent_state_msg(self) -> Packer:
Returns agents information in msgpack object
agent_data = [agent.to_agent() for agent in self.agents]
msg_data = {
"agents": agent_data}
return msgpack.packb(msg_data, use_bin_type=True)
[docs] def get_full_state_dist_msg(self) -> Packer:
Returns environment information with distance map information as msgpack object
grid_data = self.rail.grid.tolist()
agent_data = [agent.to_agent() for agent in self.agents]
msgpack.packb(grid_data, use_bin_type=True)
msgpack.packb(agent_data, use_bin_type=True)
distance_map_data = self.distance_map.get()
malfunction_data: MalfunctionProcessData = self.malfunction_process_data
msgpack.packb(distance_map_data, use_bin_type=True)
msg_data = {
"grid": grid_data,
"agents": agent_data,
"distance_map": distance_map_data,
"malfunction": malfunction_data}
return msgpack.packb(msg_data, use_bin_type=True)
[docs] def set_full_state_msg(self, msg_data):
Sets environment state with msgdata object passed as argument
msg_data: msgpack object
data = msgpack.unpackb(msg_data, use_list=False, encoding='utf-8')
self.rail.grid = np.array(data["grid"])
# agents are always reset as not moving
if "agents_static" in data:
self.agents = EnvAgent.load_legacy_static_agent(data["agents_static"])
self.agents = [EnvAgent(*d[0:12]) for d in data["agents"]]
# setup with loaded data
self.height, self.width = self.rail.grid.shape
self.rail.height = self.height
self.rail.width = self.width
self.dones = dict.fromkeys(list(range(self.get_num_agents())) + ["__all__"], False)
[docs] def set_full_state_dist_msg(self, msg_data):
Sets environment grid state and distance map with msgdata object passed as argument
msg_data: msgpack object
data = msgpack.unpackb(msg_data, use_list=False, encoding='utf-8')
self.rail.grid = np.array(data["grid"])
# agents are always reset as not moving
if "agents_static" in data:
self.agents = EnvAgent.load_legacy_static_agent(data["agents_static"])
self.agents = [EnvAgent(*d[0:12]) for d in data["agents"]]
if "distance_map" in data.keys():
# setup with loaded data
self.height, self.width = self.rail.grid.shape
self.rail.height = self.height
self.rail.width = self.width
self.dones = dict.fromkeys(list(range(self.get_num_agents())) + ["__all__"], False)
[docs] def save(self, filename, save_distance_maps=False):
Saves environment and distance map information in a file
filename: string
save_distance_maps: bool
if save_distance_maps is True:
if self.distance_map.get() is not None:
if len(self.distance_map.get()) > 0:
with open(filename, "wb") as file_out:
print("[WARNING] Unable to save the distance map for this environment, as none was found !")
print("[WARNING] Unable to save the distance map for this environment, as none was found !")
with open(filename, "wb") as file_out:
[docs] def save_episode(self, filename):
episode_data = self.cur_episode
msgpack.packb(episode_data, use_bin_type=True)
dict_data = {"episode": episode_data}
# msgpack.packb(msg_data, use_bin_type=True)
with open(filename, "wb") as file_out:
[docs] def load(self, filename):
Load environment with distance map from a file
filename: string
with open(filename, "rb") as file_in:
load_data = file_in.read()
[docs] def load_pkl(self, pkl_data):
Load environment with distance map from a pickle file
pkl_data: pickle file
[docs] def load_resource(self, package, resource):
Load environment with distance map from a binary
from importlib_resources import read_binary
load_data = read_binary(package, resource)
def _exp_distirbution_synced(self, rate: float) -> float:
Generates sample from exponential distribution
We need this to guarantee synchronity between different instances with same seed.
:param rate:
u = self.np_random.rand()
x = - np.log(1 - u) * rate
return x
def _is_agent_ok(self, agent: EnvAgent) -> bool:
Check if an agent is ok, meaning it can move and is not malfuncitoinig
True if agent is ok, False otherwise
return agent.malfunction_data['malfunction'] < 1