Source code for flatland.core.grid.grid4

from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Type, List

import numpy as np

from flatland.core.transitions import Transitions

[docs]class Grid4TransitionsEnum(IntEnum): NORTH = 0 EAST = 1 SOUTH = 2 WEST = 3
[docs] @staticmethod def to_char(int: int): return {0: 'N', 1: 'E', 2: 'S', 3: 'W'}[int]
[docs]class Grid4Transitions(Transitions): """ Grid4Transitions class derived from Transitions. Special case of `Transitions` over a 2D-grid (FlatLand). Transitions are possible to neighboring cells on the grid if allowed. GridTransitions keeps track of valid transitions supplied as `transitions` list, each represented as a bitmap of 16 bits. Whether a transition is allowed or not depends on which direction an agent inside the cell is facing (0=North, 1=East, 2=South, 3=West) and which direction the agent wants to move to (North, East, South, West, relative to the cell). Each transition (orientation, direction) can be allowed (1) or forbidden (0). For example, in case of no diagonal transitions on the grid, the 16 bits of the transition bitmaps are organized in 4 blocks of 4 bits each, the direction that the agent is facing. E.g., the most-significant 4-bits represent the possible movements (NESW) if the agent is facing North, etc... agent's direction: North East South West agent's allowed movements: [nesw] [nesw] [nesw] [nesw] example: 1000 0000 0010 0000 In the example, the agent can move from North to South and viceversa. """ def __init__(self, transitions): self.transitions = transitions self.sDirs = "NESW" self.lsDirs = list(self.sDirs) # row,col delta for each direction self.gDir2dRC = np.array([[-1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1]]) # These bits represent all the possible dead ends self.maskDeadEnds = 0b0010000110000100
[docs] def get_type(self): return np.uint16
[docs] def get_transitions(self, cell_transition, orientation): """ Get the 4 possible transitions ((N,E,S,W), 4 elements tuple if no diagonal transitions allowed) available for an agent oriented in direction `orientation` and inside a cell with transitions `cell_transition`. Parameters ---------- cell_transition : int 16 bits used to encode the valid transitions for a cell. orientation : int Orientation of the agent inside the cell. Returns ------- tuple List of the validity of transitions in the cell. """ bits = (cell_transition >> ((3 - orientation) * 4)) return ((bits >> 3) & 1, (bits >> 2) & 1, (bits >> 1) & 1, (bits) & 1)
[docs] def set_transitions(self, cell_transition, orientation, new_transitions): """ Set the possible transitions (e.g., (N,E,S,W), 4 elements tuple if no diagonal transitions allowed) available for an agent oriented in direction `orientation` and inside a cell with transitions `cell_transition'. A new `cell_transition` is returned with the specified bits replaced by `new_transitions`. Parameters ---------- cell_transition : int 16 bits used to encode the valid transitions for a cell. orientation : int Orientation of the agent inside the cell. new_transitions : tuple Tuple of new transitions validitiy for the cell. Returns ------- int An updated bitmap that replaces the original transitions validity of `cell_transition' with `new_transitions`, for the appropriate `orientation`. """ mask = (1 << ((4 - orientation) * 4)) - (1 << ((3 - orientation) * 4)) negmask = ~mask new_transitions = \ (new_transitions[0] & 1) << 3 | \ (new_transitions[1] & 1) << 2 | \ (new_transitions[2] & 1) << 1 | \ (new_transitions[3] & 1) cell_transition = (cell_transition & negmask) | (new_transitions << ((3 - orientation) * 4)) return cell_transition
[docs] def get_transition(self, cell_transition, orientation, direction): """ Get the transition bit (1 value) that determines whether an agent oriented in direction `orientation` and inside a cell with transitions `cell_transition' can move to the cell in direction `direction` relative to the current cell. Parameters ---------- cell_transition : int 16 bits used to encode the valid transitions for a cell. orientation : int Orientation of the agent inside the cell. direction : int Direction of movement whose validity is to be tested. Returns ------- int Validity of the requested transition: 0/1 allowed/not allowed. """ return ((cell_transition >> ((4 - 1 - orientation) * 4)) >> (4 - 1 - direction)) & 1
[docs] def set_transition(self, cell_transition, orientation, direction, new_transition, remove_deadends=False): """ Set the transition bit (1 value) that determines whether an agent oriented in direction `orientation` and inside a cell with transitions `cell_transition' can move to the cell in direction `direction` relative to the current cell. Parameters ---------- cell_transition : int 16 bits used to encode the valid transitions for a cell. orientation : int Orientation of the agent inside the cell. direction : int Direction of movement whose validity is to be tested. new_transition : int Validity of the requested transition: 0/1 allowed/not allowed. remove_deadends -- boolean, default False remove all deadend transitions. Returns ------- int An updated bitmap that replaces the original transitions validity of `cell_transition' with `new_transitions`, for the appropriate `orientation`. """ if new_transition: cell_transition |= (1 << ((4 - 1 - orientation) * 4 + (4 - 1 - direction))) else: cell_transition &= ~(1 << ((4 - 1 - orientation) * 4 + (4 - 1 - direction))) if remove_deadends: cell_transition = self.remove_deadends(cell_transition) return cell_transition
[docs] def rotate_transition(self, cell_transition, rotation=0): """ Clockwise-rotate a 16-bit transition bitmap by rotation={0, 90, 180, 270} degrees. Parameters ---------- cell_transition : int 16 bits used to encode the valid transitions for a cell. rotation : int Angle by which to clock-wise rotate the transition bits in `cell_transition` by. I.e., rotation={0, 90, 180, 270} degrees. Returns ------- int An updated bitmap that replaces the original transitions bits with the equivalent bitmap after rotation. """ # Rotate the individual bits in each block value = cell_transition rotation = rotation // 90 for i in range(4): block_tuple = self.get_transitions(value, i) block_tuple = block_tuple[(4 - rotation):] + block_tuple[:(4 - rotation)] value = self.set_transitions(value, i, block_tuple) # Rotate the 4-bits blocks value = ((value & (2 ** (rotation * 4) - 1)) << ((4 - rotation) * 4)) | (value >> (rotation * 4)) cell_transition = value return cell_transition
[docs] def get_direction_enum(self) -> Type[Grid4TransitionsEnum]: return Grid4TransitionsEnum
[docs] def has_deadend(self, cell_transition): """ Checks if one entry can only by exited by a turn-around. """ if cell_transition & self.maskDeadEnds > 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def remove_deadends(self, cell_transition): """ Remove all turn-arounds (e.g. N-S, S-N, E-W,...). """ cell_transition &= cell_transition & (~self.maskDeadEnds) & 0xffff return cell_transition
[docs] @staticmethod def get_entry_directions(cell_transition) -> List[int]: return [(cell_transition >> ((3 - orientation) * 4)) & 15 > 0 for orientation in range(4)]