Source code for flatland.action_plan.action_plan_player

from typing import Callable

from flatland.action_plan.action_plan import ControllerFromTrainruns
from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv
from flatland.envs.rail_trainrun_data_structures import Waypoint

ControllerFromTrainrunsReplayerRenderCallback = Callable[[RailEnv], None]

[docs]class ControllerFromTrainrunsReplayer(): """Allows to verify a `DeterministicController` by replaying it against a FLATland env without malfunction."""
[docs] @staticmethod def replay_verify(ctl: ControllerFromTrainruns, env: RailEnv, call_back: ControllerFromTrainrunsReplayerRenderCallback = lambda *a, **k: None): """Replays this deterministic `ActionPlan` and verifies whether it is feasible. Parameters ---------- ctl env call_back Called before/after each step() call. The env is passed to it. """ call_back(env) i = 0 while not env.dones['__all__'] and i <= env._max_episode_steps: for agent_id, agent in enumerate(env.agents): waypoint: Waypoint = ctl.get_waypoint_before_or_at_step(agent_id, i) assert agent.position == waypoint.position, \ "before {}, agent {} at {}, expected {}".format(i, agent_id, agent.position, waypoint.position) actions = ctl.act(i) print("actions for {}: {}".format(i, actions)) obs, all_rewards, done, _ = env.step(actions) call_back(env) i += 1